Last week we watched Gwenn Share with us how she believes Copyright is for Scaredy cats and lot’s of you didn’t agree. That’s fair enough we are all entitled to our own opinion. So this brings us back to what to do about a copyright issue. I would assume that 90% of Crafter’s and Artists don’t have enough spare funds to get a Lawyer or Solicitor to help with the infringement. The cost of sending a letter of notification to the offender from a Lawyer can set you back $100’s of dollars let alone actually having to take it further. 90% of the time ( by my non educated calculations) the person or company who stole your work probably doesn’t have enough money to give you a payout or reimbursement either so what’s the point of getting a lawyer and taking them to court?
So what if someone does copy your work, how should you approach it? Check out this video by Gwenn about “What to do about a Copyright infringement” .